Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Back in Cluj - purpose accomplished!

Just wanted to inform you quickly that I arrived intact in Cluj on January 14th. Praise the Lord with me – I did not have to pay anything for the overweight and extra luggage! And I had 4 bags! Getting used to things here slowly but surely – using my time to rest and get my apartment re-organized. Sleep is still a bit crazy!

The weekend before leaving I had the opportunity to visit Mike Webb and his family in Arizona, as well as the Shiloh Christian Center, his church family which supports me. It was a quick trip but a delightful one.

I have now returned with a healed ear and greater health than when I arrived in the States last October. The Lord has accomplished mighty things in the last three months. I was thrilled to be able to be there for the home-going of my dear friend, Pam May, who is now running and jumping with Jesus after being in a wheelchair for so long with MD. I was also truly blessed by being able to meet with many of you, sharing a meal or a cup of coffee or tea. I also had opportunity to spend lots of time with my family.

It won't be dull here – another doctoral course has already begun. But don't worry, I will take only one course at a time!!

Thank you for your love and care and support of me! It is because of you and your prayers that I am able to do this at all. Let's all make it great in 2008!